My Southern Living at Home...»

Sunday, March 16, 2008

More pictures from last night...

Just checked my e-mail & there were a few more from last night in there waiting for me to open up!

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I still have to brag about my pretty cupcakes in the other blog, but I need to head to bead for some beauty rest. We're taking the kids to Disneyland.

This is how we (California) Roll & Jimmy Fallon

Yesterday we had our monthly squadron OW/SC meeting. Eight of us met up at the Yard House at the Irvine Spectrum for dinner and then a comedy show. The Temecula crowd (3 of us) drove the farthest. Just over an hour. We cut through base to hop on the 5 because there just is no easy way for us to get to that highway. We picked up another wife along the way. Dinner was good. We didn't have to wait too long for a table. The girls introduced me to a new drink (well new for me) called Cider Beer. It was pretty good & easy to drink. It bubbled & tasted almost like champagne. Very interesting. I went bold for dinner. I ordered the California Roll. It's crab sushi. My extent of sushi tasting has been limited to some sort of shrimp roll at the local Japanese steak house. I will not try the fish sushi or anything that has not been cooked. It came out in 1 HUGE roll. It was very tasty. I couldn't eat the whole thing myself, but I am glad I ordered it because it hit the spot. Another wife & I split that & a brownie dessert topped with mint chocolate chip ice cream.I took a picture of the California Roll.

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The green stuff is avocado. The top layer is the crab & the bottom layer is white rice. The brown stuff on the plate is soy sauce. Not sure what the red dots are/were, but they were spicy!

Afterwards we all hopped across the way to see a comedy show. The headliner was Owen Benjamin. There were 2 other comedians who opened the show. I can't remember their names. Tells you how big of an impression they left on me. I think their jokes I think would have been better suited for a much younger audience. They got a few laughs, just none really from us. I thought they were actually kinda annoying & I was hoping the whole show wasn't going to be like that. Owen Benjamin was great. He's an amazing piano/keyboard player, too. There was a surprise guest that knocked us all off our feet... Jimmy Fallon!!! They both performed separately & then did a duet together that was absolutely hilarious. Afterwards we were all waiting for everyone in the group to go & get out of the bathroom. We convinced the CO's wife to go up to the security desk & ask if we could meet Jimmy. I walked up with her & it turned out the guy sitting there was the owner. We explained who we were & why were there & asked if we could meet him & possibly get our picture taken with Jimmy. The guy was totally nice & humored us. After the place cleared out we were taken back into the show room. Jimmy was really nice. He shook each of our hands & asked us all our names. He posed for a few pictures & signed some of our receipts. I'm waiting to get pictures from others, but I will leave you all with this one. This was the icing on a great night.

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