My Southern Living at Home...»

Friday, November 16, 2007

There's been a Victoria Beckham siting...

Oh, wait... it's just me & my hot new 'do'. LOL I don't dare post any before pictures. They were HORRIBLE. I learned that I am no good at taking my own pictures. Ahhhh, scary!! The rest of the afternoon was pretty rushed, so the only pictures I have are from the ball. Those don't show off my hair cut too well. I'll have to try & do it nice this weekend & have DH take a few pictures. For now, imagine this hair, but darker & on me...

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The ball was fun. So far the best one we've attended. It was at the San Diego Hotel & Marina. The room rates were average, but the prices for everything else were outrageous. $20 to park your own car!! $8 more & they will park it for you. The complimentary breakfast was $$, too. Not very complimentary. Drinks at the bar were insane. $18 for a Midori Sour & a double Rum & Coke ($8/$10). The bar in the ball room were serving Rum & Cokes for $4, but no Midori Sours. The dinner & dessert were very tasty. It was the people at the ball that made it fun. The guest speaker was very entertaining. We could have been in the middle of the desert & still would have had a grand time. The beds in the room were divine. I want to splurge & get the pillows they have on the beds. The best sleep I have had in a while. Mainly because there weren't any kids &/or dogs in the bed with us. Here's a picture...
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I've started 2 new blogs in addition to this one. More or less a way to organize everything going on. I've just created them. "Home Sweet Home in Temecula" will chronicle all the on-going house projects. The second, "Crafty Momma's World" will be a place for me to talk about, keep track, & hopefully stay on top of my million and one other projects. Nothing to see just yet. I should have them up & going some time next week. I'll let you all know when there is something more to check out!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nothing creative to title this post

I have a few free minutes this morning so I thought I would post a bit of randomness. We have our USMC birthday ball to go to tonight. Always a good time. I need a hair cut so I figure this would be a good morning to get it done since they would style it much nicer then I ever could. A friend came & picked Tootie up a little bit a go. She has a son his age. They have kind of grown up together. So it's just Princess and me this morning. I packed Tootie a little lunch and a few snacks to have. This other military wife (& pilot's wife) on a board I frequent has been making Bento meals for her DH and kids. Very cute & inspiring. This morning was the perfect time to try it out. I made this one for Tootie...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I made him a peanut butter sandwich (2 stars & a chili - couldn't fit a 3rd star on a 1/2 sandwich), string cheese, fruit salad, gold fish, trail mix & raisins. This should hold him over until I am done with everything this morning. It was really fun to make & I hope to keep up with it. Tootie seemed excited about it, too. He was ready to dig in even though he had just had breakfast. At lunch time he gets his gummie vitamins. He walked into the kitchen as I was taking them out. He HAD to have them right then & there, lol.

Princess seems to be an over achiever just like Tootie was & still is. She's mastered rolling over & is now working on sitting up. She gets a little frustrated in the bassinet because she can't get herself all the way up. She can get herself in to position with out a problem. I sat her in her papasan chair this morning while I got Tootie together & ate my breakast. She got herself to sit up & was very proud of herself!
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Well I am now running out of time. I need to finish feeding Princess, get her dressed & get us in the car. Hopefully later I will have time to post before & after pictures of my hair. Tomorrow or later this weekend I will be back with ball pictures.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If I pretend to be a rock and hide my face...

Then no one can see me!! Yes, this is Tootie's newest trick. When it's time to go to bed, or he's in trouble, or doesn't want to do something, where ever he is (ie. floor or couch) he drops, curls up into a ball with his face to the ground. I told him that mommy's and daddy's have magical eyes and can still see little children when they try to hide. I know this one will come back & bite me. I can't believe that he will be 2 in a few weeks. A friend stated a while back that he acts like he is 3 going onto 30. It's true, but since I am the mommy I am allowed to say that he can't grow up... at least not this quickly!! Grandma H mailed him and Princess a little package. It came today. A few new books to share, a wallet for Tootie and a Hello Kitty bag and stickers for Princess. I am mentioning this because Tootie is such a little man. He has a pretend set of keys (well real keys not needed anymore). Any time we leave he takes them with him. He also has to carry his bug box with him. I took DH's bigger wallet and put cards in it for Tootie. Yesterday DH had to run out & Tootie wanted to go. So he grabbed his keys... and his wallet!! Now I can return DH's and Tootie has his very own.

Below are the pictures I mentioned about the kid's Christmas shoes...
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The go-kart trophy that DH won but Tootie has claimed as his own...

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Princess is her VA Tech outfit(s)... (I pluralized that because she blew out of the first one.)
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The boys snoozing...

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I have some updated house project pictures. I am not going to post them here - at least not now. I may just start a separate blog for them. Need to organize them all first. If I do start another blog I will link it with this one.