My Southern Living at Home...»

Friday, November 9, 2007

Go go speed racer

DH has a 4 day weekend starting today. A bunch of them decided to meeting up this afternoon to do go-kart racing. The kids & I tagged along since we had a Hail & Bail, also known as a Hail & Farewell, to go to afterwards in the same area (not close to home). Tootie had a blast & wanted to get in a car so bad. Unfortunately he is to small and for safety reasons he could not ride with daddy. Maybe in a few more years the midget will be tall enough. They all raced in two separate groups. Each group got two chances to do how ever many laps it was around the course. Then the top how ever many people in each group raced again (in their separate groups). DH came in 1st place for his group. Not surprised since competing is natural to him. He received a trophy that Tootie has claimed as his own. He can add it to his beauty pageant trophy.

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Afterwards we all went out to lunch. Tootie is now going through a phase where he HAS to check out bathrooms every where we go. This includes sitting on the potty. I might have to resort back to getting him pull-ups. So we've tested out the potty's at Starbucks & T.G.I.Fridays. This is quit the work out for mommy. By far, though (at least so far), Friday's has the most amusing sinks and paper towel dispensers. You have to push down a knob for water & the wave your hand in front of the paper towel dispenser. LOL, of to be a toddler again.

I'll have to take pictures of the trophy & the kids Christmas shoes tomorrow and post them. Princess's shoes makes everyone say "awww".

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Tonight I had to run out & pick the kids Christmas shoes up that I ordered. On my way home from the mall I stopped by the local drug store to look for something. While I was there I hit the jack pot!! They still had Halloween candy on sale.... 75% off. We're using M&M's for Tootie's potty training. He LOVES them! I searched high & low. Finally!!! I found them. I grabbed 3 bags and headed to the cash registrar. They rang up at 80 cents each!! I might go back & buy them out. I would stock up for next Halloween if I knew it would last.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sissy is NOT a baby doll

Tootie is really into imitation. What ever daddy does, he has to do, too. He will copy me on a few things, too. When I vacuum he has to pull out his little vacuum, too. Today he was intently watching me feed Princess. Princess was a little gassy, so I was patting her on her back to see if she would burp. I don't normally need to burp her. Both my children are fairly good at releasing gas on their own. Makes mommy so proud, lol. Later on this evening I had her in her bassinet in our bedroom while I put away some laundry & cleaned. I was using my Boppy to prop her up. I also had a neck rest in there for extra support. Tootie climbed up on our bed and into her bassinet. He sat her straight up and patted her on her back like I was doing earlier. It was cute... everything he does (well for the most part) is cute. He then took the neck rest, which looks like a small version of my Boppy, and put it around his waist (just like I do), and tried to pick Princess up to hold her. He loves his sissy very much. She thinks her brother is rather hilarious. As soon as she can crawl she will be giving him a run for his money.

I found the car keys that I was looking for the other day in our fold out couch. Tootie could not tell me where they were because he did not intentionally hide them. They fell through a gap to the ground. It was a good thing because we (the kids & I) were going to have lunch with a friend before she left to move to North Carolina. She was going to take us, but neither one of us could get Tootie's car seat unlatched.

Amazingly Sam has managed to not rip his stitch site open. He's gone about his normal life of wrestling, jumping, and running. I literally laughed at the vet when he said that Sam needed to stay calm for two weeks. Sam is pretty good an knowing his limits and when he needs to rest. So I'm not worried about him over doing it and hurting himself.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Things come in 3's...

1) Car battery died Friday night (Luckily I made it to where I had to go).
2) Discovered a cut on Sampson's side. Needed stitches, spent Saturday back & forth to the vet. Poor guy has had enough of vets.

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We think that he had a scratch from rough housing and it got caught on a stick which made it worse.

...AND now...
3) The car keys are MIA. The black hole of the house has eaten them. Since they are important maybe now I can find something else I have been searching for. I have a tendency not to be able to find something until I am searching for something else. DH claims that Tootie had them last. Christmas gift idea!! One of those key finder things. Not sure if Tootie was the one who misplaced them. When he does "hide" something he can find it if I ask for them. I ask him where the keys are, he just shrugs his shoulders and says "Idon'tknow" (yes, one word).


Saturday night we went out with the in-laws and DH's brother & his wife. We went to PF Changs for dinner and then saw Jersey Boys. It was a good musical. Went through how the 4 Seasons came to be and their history together. I would love to go see Wicked.

Did everyone remember to change their clocks back an hour? Another memo Tootie did not receive. He was up an hour earlier than his normal too early wake up time. Ugh!