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Friday, December 10, 2010

CVS makes it ALL better

It's already been a morning here. If it was only Monday you'd probably find me in the corner curled up rocking back & forth. Between a child who was being the least cooperative & another with a possible stomach bug who needed a surprise bath before trying to get the other 2 out the door for school... thank goodness it's Friday!

After a quick bath & getting the other 2 to school I needed to run to CVS. I have a box to mail the Mr & I ran out of tape! I also had $20 ECB burning a hole in my pocket. Don't want to let something like that expire!!

My CVS also has a machine that you scan your card under & it spits out coupons. I scored a $5 off $25 coupon.

All of the above (2 boxes of tissues, 2 Gatorades, dog treats, Christmas cards & scotch tape) plus the packaging tape I just noticed is MIA I got for $3.50 before tax. Between sales, ECBs & a coupon I save $28.


RosemaryFB said...

excellent score at CVS. Sorry about the stomach bug.

RosemaryFB said...

very nice savings! I need to remember to use that red scanner @ CVS too. The Extra Bucks I've been getting seem to be centered on Geriatric vitamin supplements or herbal prostate health. Joy.