My Southern Living at Home...»

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just in case...

We are to the east of all the fires. As long as the winds continue blowing to the west we're good. Right now the two closest are Rosa and Rice. There is a fear that the two will merge. I ran out this evening to the mall to pick up something. I made it up the street and looked to the left before turning. No cars were coming, but I saw smoke just over the mountains. The first picture is a view of the Rice fire from my neighborhood. It's still far enough away to not worry too much, but I only had to go a block to get the picture. The 2nd picture is the smoke from the Rosa fire. I took that while I was at the mall. On my way home, it was dark, I tried to get pictures of the Rice glow but the street lamp messed all my pictures up. You could see it pulsating.

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Here is one of tonights sunset...

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After I get R down for bed (it's already late for him), I'm going to pack us each a bag. I'll load it in the car with some important items. I need to make a list. I don't think we'll have to leave, but I want to be prepared. I don't want to have to pack last minute & forget stuff or feel rushed. I just want to toss the kids and dogs in the car. Side note, the winds seem much calmer tonight. Our tree in the back is pretty beat up. I have a few windows open to cool the house down, but there isn't much of a breeze. I guess that's good. Surprisingly we haven't smelt smoke since Sunday when Rice started. I guess that's another good sign.

Good news, the in-laws house is safe. So are the houses of everyone else we know down in that area. The fire never crossed the street. They moved back in this morning. MIL said the gardener was there working when they came back. They were also surprised at how good the air quality was.

Enough of the heavy stuff... this morning the kids and I attended the MOMS club Temecula South Halloween party. It was a good time. Would have been even better if this one particular mother would watch her child and discipline him (instead of every other parent there having to do it) when her child would push other children down. He did this a handful of times. R was one of his targets. :( L was a ladybug. A super cute ladybug, too. She reminded me of the Anne Geddes ladybug. R was a pilot. Hopefully over the next week I can get some better pictures of them.

I'm going to go head off to pack a few things and go to bed.

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