My Southern Living at Home...»

Monday, November 5, 2007

Things come in 3's...

1) Car battery died Friday night (Luckily I made it to where I had to go).
2) Discovered a cut on Sampson's side. Needed stitches, spent Saturday back & forth to the vet. Poor guy has had enough of vets.

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We think that he had a scratch from rough housing and it got caught on a stick which made it worse.

...AND now...
3) The car keys are MIA. The black hole of the house has eaten them. Since they are important maybe now I can find something else I have been searching for. I have a tendency not to be able to find something until I am searching for something else. DH claims that Tootie had them last. Christmas gift idea!! One of those key finder things. Not sure if Tootie was the one who misplaced them. When he does "hide" something he can find it if I ask for them. I ask him where the keys are, he just shrugs his shoulders and says "Idon'tknow" (yes, one word).


Saturday night we went out with the in-laws and DH's brother & his wife. We went to PF Changs for dinner and then saw Jersey Boys. It was a good musical. Went through how the 4 Seasons came to be and their history together. I would love to go see Wicked.

Did everyone remember to change their clocks back an hour? Another memo Tootie did not receive. He was up an hour earlier than his normal too early wake up time. Ugh!