My Southern Living at Home...»

Monday, December 10, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

Saturday (late) morning the kids & I went to the local community center to have breakfast with Santa. It was o.k. It was $5/seat. You got a plate with eggs, biscuit, hash browns (that could have been cooked longer, imo), sausage, bacon & orange juice. Kids also got a little goodie bag. After breakfast there was some singing & then Santa & Mrs Claus made a guest appearance. Table by table we lined up with the kids to have their pictures taken. This year Santa went over better than last year or even the Easter bunny. I think it helped that I talked a lot about Santa before & showed Tootie pictures.

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Later that evening I had a spouses meeting to attend down at the harbor outside of base. Kids were welcomed. There was a light show which was a bunch of boats decorated. It was fun & I had some of the best hot chocolate at the restaurant. The whip cream was nice & think, sprinkled with cocoa. My next vehicle MUST have GPS. LOL Yet again, I got lost venturing in new territory.

I started on Christmas cards yesterday. I wasn't going to make them this year because I just wasn't feeling too creative. So I designed something online & before submitting the order I previewed it. That's when the creativity bug bit me. I decided that I could just make what I had created online for less. I'm almost done, but my hands are tired of cutting, adhering, stamping & writing. I'm going to try to finish them up over the next few nights. When I get done I will have to post pictures in my other blog.

My MOMS club is having a cookie exchange tomorrow. As soon as Tootie & Princess are up from their naps we'll make a trip out to the store. I found some yummy recipes to try. I'll post those in the other blog, too, after I put them through the taste test. I have to make 3 dozen cookies for tomorrow. Late next week I will make cookies for some of our wonderful neighbors & for DH to take to work with him. I have a few recipes in mind for that baking frenzy. I'm sure there will be enough to enjoy ourselves!