My Southern Living at Home...»

Friday, January 1, 2010

365/2010 Challenge

For this new year I am going to be participating in a challenge. You take a picture of yourself everyday. I figure this would be good for me to keep up with blogging. I really slacked on this for 2009. I really have no clue where the past year went. Where ever it went, it went fast. ;)

Here is my first picture for the new year:

Ok, so I will probably get told I cheated, but oh-well, lol. I was in my pj's with my hair tossed back & it was just after mid-night. I was playing with the photo booth program on my brother's Macbook. The kids are most entertained by it. R & J did not make it to midnight but L was quit the party girl. I have no clue how she managed to stay up since she only took a 5 minute nap in the car earlier in the day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year. I predict many good things and changes for our family.


Peasblog said...

at least yours is up I am having a hard time getting a picture taken and posting and it's only day ONE!

sam said...

it doesn't have to be a picture of yourself! just a picture in general. :)