the 10% done mark! Woohoo!! Only 90% more to go... yipee.
Interesting weekend. Will have to update tomorrow.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
And the donut of misery tells me today is...
Posted by JenniferB79 at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I have it set so anyone can comment now. You don't have to be a member... BUT all comments go through me first before they appear. There for if you are a random weirdo - don't bother commenting.
Posted by JenniferB79 at 12:18 PM 2 comments
Wow, it's already Thursday!
Thank-goodness, too!! Last night I was thinking it was only Tuesday. I think the holiday Monday through me off. It was a great surprise when SIL informed me it was Wednesday. What a week it has been!! It's been cold & rainy all week. Tootie hasn't been able to go outside or to the park to play. We are all climbing the walls. There is an indoor park somewhere around here. In Old Town, I think. I just can't remember where exactly (never been to it) or the name. I'm going to have to try & figure this one out. Tootie needs to get some energy out. Monday - I think it was Monday (could have very well been Sunday still), I went to do the laundry. All was good for the first couple loads (I procrastinated). Then one load was still wet like it hadn't been spun enough. I threw it in the dryer & the dryer would go for about 30 seconds sounding like it was struggling & then die. I called the neighbor over to check it out. We problem solved the dryer & got it working again. It was my robe weighing it down. That thing weighs a ton soaking wet. The neighbor, Bob (Tootie LOVES saying... ok, yelling, his name - BOB, BOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBBBB, lol) calls the other neighbor, Chuck about the washer. Chuck is a retired SEARS repair man. We picked a good neighborhood to live in. Retired, helpful, kind & caring neighbors. It was late so I just told Chuck that we could just figure it out the next day. Ok, so this all did happen Monday. I remember now. No mail Monday, but the mail did come while Chuck was fixing the washer the next day. Tootie likes to help me get the mail. Ok, so Chuck comes over & takes the washer apart thinking it's the motor. Nope, not the motor, but there was a balled up baby sock staring at us. Not only was it a baby sock, but a VA Tech baby sock that has been MIA for a few weeks now. It migrated to the outside of the tub & eventually spun itself into a ball. Now that the sock has been rescued the washer is back to doing it's job & the laundry is finally done.
This week has kind of blurred by. I've been trying to get a lot done around the house in between chasing a 2 year old around that doesn't nap anymore & a teething baby who doesn't want to sleep at night anymore. Life is just great on no sleep. I'm hoping Princess' lack of sleep is due to her top tooth pop'n out. She's been a great sleeper up until this week. It all started with her waking up a couple times during the night to last night where she stayed up until late & then was up just about every hour. I need to drop her mattress today. She's starting to pull herself up on things - one being her mattress. Tootie is doing really good with the potty training. He had his pull-up on this morning & went with out being reminded. YAY!! Go Toot-toot. He's a handful during the day but at night he's been doing the cutest things & it makes me forget about the terrorizing he did earlier in the day. Last night I was folding some clothes & he decided that he wanted to help. He shook the clothes out, laid them out & attempted to fold them the way I was folding. His clothes ended up in a ball, but he was so proud of himself that I just let him continue helping.
Well Princess might actually be tired now. Off to drop her mattress & convince her that sleep is a good thing!
Posted by JenniferB79 at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Knight Rider
Watched the new movie tonight. Didn't really care for it. I was actually disappointed. It didn't excite me one bit. Nothing can replace the 1980's t.v. show.
Posted by JenniferB79 at 10:47 PM 2 comments
Not for the easily offended or young...(there's your warning)
Got this in an e-mail. Left me laughing...
Posted by JenniferB79 at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Another week down
This weekend was pretty eventful. Nothing super exciting, just busy. I must have had a moment of insanity or a super burst of energy on Friday. I took the kids out shopping. We went to 4 stores looking for curtains and other items. I know, 4 stores is nothing.... well you try it with a baby & a toddler. I'm lucky, they aren't that bad to take shopping. It's just exhausting. Each visit to a store goes something like this... Try to find a parking spot that is either close to the front of the store (less hauling of the kids to get a cart) or one that is near a cart corral. I prefer ones that are closest to the cart corrals. Pull in spot, hop out, hunt down a cart & bring it back to the care. Get Princess & her car seat out (which feels like it weighs like a ton of bricks), put her in the merchandise part), push cart to other side of vehicle, get Tootie out, put him in the seat & head into the store. Tootie doesn't last very long in the seat. He wants out to help push the cart. Put him back in. Repeat about 10 or so times. Head to check out counter. Head back to the car, put bags in car (if there are any), lift Tootie out of the seat & put him back into his car seat & buckle. Push cart to other side of car & repeat for Princess. Go return cart. Do this for each store & it adds up.
Our first stop Friday was to Home Goods Store. L-O-V-E this store!! If you see something in this store you have to buy it right then & there because there is a good chance it will be gone soon & they won't be getting more in. I stopped in to see if I could find some curtains & I needed to get a gift (good gift store, btw). Oh, let me back up & fill you all in on the curtain drama. I'm in the process of hanging curtains back up down stairs in an attempt to curb the gas bill (& the electric bill during the summer). I have these 2 panels in the dinning room that I got about a year & half ago from Target. I only bought 2 because at that time we were in a different house & only had 1 window in the dining room. These curtains totally fit my style. They are Thomas O'Brien Vintage Modern. Well now I need 2 more & can't find them (even e-mailed the main Target people). Ok, so Home Goods Store... their curtain selection on Friday was small, but I fell in love with a set of curtains. Not only were they gorgeous but the price was fabulous. Two panels for $39.99, regularly $75. I needed 4 panels for the dining room, so I picked up 2 sets & another set in a different color for the living room. Then we hopped over to Target & got new rods for the dining room & a few other things. We didn't have anything at home that was small enough for the area. Tootie fell asleep in the cart. He's never done that before. It was actually kind of cute. Off to Linens N' Things in hopes of finding a insulated/thermal curtain for the sliding glass doors. No luck. I need to dig through the garage & see if we have the curtain that was up when we bought the house. It's not my favorite curtain, but it's better than nothing at this point. Our last stop was to Jo-Anns. I bought some fabric & embellishments to make the vanity skirt.
Saturday I got to work on my vanity some more. I didn't get very far on it this weekend. I tried the new curtains out but they were too big & too long. I decided to return them (Sunday). I liked them sooooo much that I could have made them work somewhere else in the house... that was until I saw on the label that they were dry clean only. Between 2 kids & 2 dogs the curtains would have ended up all snotted up with various other stains. I sadly packed them back up. A friends little girl had her 2nd birthday party today (Saturday), so we went to that. Tootie had a blast!! He chased their dogs around, played with the other little children & bounced in the bouncy. He passed out in the car before we even made it onto the highway. I like those kinds of parties!
Today was more errands. I decided to return the curtains today & go back to Target rather than tomorrow. Besides going to the park tomorrow I need to stay in & clean. I also needed to go to the commissary to pick up a few items we were low on. I did a second trip to Target because I discovered that I had Target specific coupons for diapers. Princess was down to her last diaper. I time these things good, lol. ;) Oh!! Tootie fell asleep in the Target shopping cart again. I think Target makes him sleepy.
My point to hashing out all these details? I'm exhausted! I have had my fill of going out to the stores for a while. We are good on food, diapers & the dogs have a new bag of food. No need to go back out until that moment of insanity hits again. We'll stick to going to MOMS events & the park.
We must be nearing a full moon. Tootie has been extra wacky & the both of them tonight were a nightmare. They were in rare form. I think it mostly had to do with them being tired. I woke Princess up from her nap to feed her dinner. Tootie was tired & hungry. So they fed off of each others crying even though they both had food in front of them. I bought Princess a bunch of stage 3 foods to start once we finish up the last little bit of Stage 2. Stage 2 doesn't seem to do her much even when mixed with cereal. She's ready - or at least likes to think she is - for table food. She enjoys feeding herself Cheerios & crackers. Anyways, they both, after what seemed like an eternity, calmed down & ate. Then it was bath time & off to bed. Another night Tootie didn't fight about going to bed... again, another day he didn't take a (good) nap. I'm not ready for the naps to go, but if it gets him to go to bed at a decent time (8pm) then I can't complain too much.
Posted by JenniferB79 at 9:39 PM 0 comments