I'm so excited!! The kids & I were on base this morning for one a doctors appointment. I paid $1.95 for gas!!!!!!!!! I had to do a double take when I saw the price. I think in town here it is about $2.25. At least that is what it was yesterday. Everyday it seems to go down some. I don't think I have ever paid under $2 since moving here 4 years ago. It's amazing that only a few months ago (June/July), ok almost 6 months ago, it was about $4.50/gallon for regular gas & there were predictions that it would be $6 by labor day. I really wish I had my camera with me today. I would so have taken a picture of the price sign.
So what have we been up to? Lots, I guess. I have also been super tired lately, but I will get to that reasoning later. I promise you will find it humorous. If you don't get at least 1 chuckle out of it then you need to go see a Proctologist to have the stick removed. The Pilot has been home close to 2.5 months now. We've been busy with house projects. I have to catch up on the house blog. We took a car trip to Texas for my brother's wedding. Both kiddies were in it. Mr Independent was the ring bearer & Princess was the flower girl. She slacked a little on her duties & Mr Independent, of course, hammed it up at the last second... followed by a severe meltdown & face plant mid-ceremony. I think I was the only one who laughed while everyone else gasped. Hey - he's my child & I know how he works. I can laugh. ;) We had a semi-eventful ride to & from. It was 20 hours each way. We did it in 2 days there & 2 days back. Not highly recommended. Driving isn't recomended either, but for the cost of 7 nights in 4 different hotels, food & gas it was cheaper than 3 plane tickets. Since we drove very close to the border of Mexico we passed through many border patrol stops. We have them here in California. In fact we have one not too far from our house. Never once been stopped. What happens in Arizona?? We get stopped. Stopped for what you ask? Smuggling humans. I about laughed when I heard that. I wanted to ask them where the heck we were hiding extra bodies in a very packed down 2 door vehicle with 2 adults & 2 kids with all their toys & snacks strewn across the back floor/seats. So we had to get them & us out of the car so the dog could sniff. It took longer to get them out of the car than for the dog to inspect. I think he had an alterior motive. When he got to my side he tried to hop in & eat something I had been snacking on. Mr Independent counted something like 18 trains on our trip to Texas. I think we stopped counting on the way back. We alsocounted towers. Yes the ride to Texas is boring. Oh, & those with potty-trained toddlers (or children with small bladders. Texas isn't very friendly towards them. There are hardly any rest stops & when there is one there is like 100 miles to the next one. Of course Mr Independent would have to go when there wasn't one around. We had to pull over & moon the lovely state several times. On the way back we did not get stopped by border patrol but we did have to hold our breath while going through one. Mr Independent is very much into police men & knows that they help people. Well he sees the border patrol & calls them policemen & goes on to say how they help people. He didn't stop there. He continued onto say how he needed help. I had to quickly tell him that he was fine & did not need to tell them. All we needed at that point was to get pulled again because they thought we were kidnapping some chilld.
Ok, so here is why I am super tired. I have tape worm growing in me (insert sarcasm). Refer to the post below this one (Riddle). I had my first doctors appointment today. She did an ultrasound. This one is very different from Mr Independent & Princess. This one has decided that my insides are it's own personal moon bounce & he/she really enjoys doing the macarena. I hope in the end (s)he doesn't get too comfy & decide to over sleep.
Um, heck, why not... since this post is getting semi-long & if you have made it this far I might as well through in a couple silly kid stories. Mr Independent is getting to the stage of life where he's such a hoot. The other day he started saying that he loved me. He was going on & on & I asked him if he loved daddy. He said he did. So I suggested he go tell daddy. Well he goes up to daddy & the Pilot asks him if he had something to tell him. Mr Independent shakes his head 'yes' & then says "I love mommy." One other for the road... Princess has discovered my bath stuff box. She enjoys taking the things out & lining them up. I asked her if she was opening a beauty shop. Well I guess Mr Independent can't say 'beauty' too well because he started running around yelling "Boobie shop".
Ok kids, that's all for now. I have a few pictures to post & will do so later.
15 years ago