My Southern Living at Home...»

Saturday, January 2, 2010


It's been a super windy & cold here in VA. It's hard to think about it being in the 70's back in CA. I took R & L to the store earlier this morning. I ended up having to grab a cart & toss L in because she was having a hard time walking against the wind. It was that strong! Well then I ended up having to push the cart against that same wind... not fun.

Here is day 2's picture! It's me & J. Playing from my mom's laptop. I <3 having the camera built in. Better (as in less embarassing) self portraits of myself then when I attempt them from a regular camera. I can't believe J is going to be 7 months in just over a week. He's master rolling around (back to front, front to back). He wants to crawl sooooo badly! He gets rather frustrated when his legs are kicking but he's not going anywhere.

Friday, January 1, 2010

365/2010 Challenge

For this new year I am going to be participating in a challenge. You take a picture of yourself everyday. I figure this would be good for me to keep up with blogging. I really slacked on this for 2009. I really have no clue where the past year went. Where ever it went, it went fast. ;)

Here is my first picture for the new year:

Ok, so I will probably get told I cheated, but oh-well, lol. I was in my pj's with my hair tossed back & it was just after mid-night. I was playing with the photo booth program on my brother's Macbook. The kids are most entertained by it. R & J did not make it to midnight but L was quit the party girl. I have no clue how she managed to stay up since she only took a 5 minute nap in the car earlier in the day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year. I predict many good things and changes for our family.