Mr Independent has gone cold turkey with the potty training thing. No more pull-ups in this house. At least not for a bit longer when it's Princess' turn. Mr I has been wearing big boy undies during the day for about a week now. We've even ventured out on errands that were not so quick (who knew looking at flooring could take hours upon hours) & he's not had an accident. The past few nights I have been sending him to bed in his big boy plastic underwear. He's done pretty good with those, too. He had an accident the other night but he got up & changed himself. So now he's talking non-stop about going to school. I told him that if he wanted to go to school (a topic this summer) he had to be able to wear big boy undies all the time. YAY!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Put on a pair of Depends...
Hilarious video... Had to share!
The Pilot is back. We're catching up on family time. :)
Posted by JenniferB79 at 12:10 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mmmm, lobster. :) I wonder how long of a plane ride it is.
Posted by JenniferB79 at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Is way too early to be up - WIDE awake with no hope of falling back to sleep. I tried for an hour, got up & since then I have had breakfast (1 cup of tea & now I feel like I have had 10), done 2 loads of laundry, put away some other laundry, took a long shower & now I am going to finish some chair cushions I started for out back. Yeh, it's going to be a long day with no hope of a nap in my future. No, I normally do not have issues sleeping. I'm just too excited for the days events. Will blog about them later. Knock on wood that things continue as planned (well being wide awake at 3am was not planned). I wonder if I have anything DVR'd to catch up on. Now would be the time to do so since the kids are still sleeping (thank goodness!).
Posted by JenniferB79 at 5:39 AM 0 comments