My Southern Living at Home...»

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hair magic

Yes mom, it involved bleach... just not my whole head this time. :) Ignore the pile of clothes off to the side. My favorite color is PINK!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oooooooohhhh yyyyyeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

Momma's get a new 'do'. Not a cut, but I do need to get the back cut. It's driving me nuts. Just a dye job done by moi. It's pretty crafty so I might just post the results in my other blog when I get done. For some of you it's nothing new (those who I went to VVA with or knew me then), but it's been a while since I have done something funky. ;) I've been itching for a while to do this. Even told Pilot what I want to do a while back. I'm just now getting around to it, lol. I'm so giddy right now. I can't wait for 30 more minutes to pass so I can wash & dry my hair.

Monday, February 25, 2008

It was wishful thinking...

While I was typing the last entry Princess woke up. I got her back to sleep, but now Tootie is up & having a huge fit. Ugh... I guess at least it's now & not when I am asleep. Although it will probably happen then, too.

What a weekend

A miracle happened tonight!!! I had both kids in bed & out by 8pm. This has never happened!! This will be Tootie's 3rd or 4th time this WHOLE month where he has gone to bed in his own bed. This is the 1st time this month where he was out by 8pm... the bed time I shoot for. He's a night owl & goes until 10:30pm. If every other night is like this I am totally fine with no naps. Problem is, is if he falls asleep in the car for even 10 minutes, that's all he needs to keep the engine going until 10:30. So I enjoyed half of my dinner in piece & quiet. That's a first! I also got to work on the our Microsoft Money program that Pilot left me to figure out. He started, but this is a newer version that I had to load & set up. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I got the statements loaded & that's about it, lol. I couldn't totally fry my brain. I do have other things to get done before I can go to bed. I bet it's wishful thinking that both kids could sleep through the night tonight, lol. Yeh, in my dreams.

So this weekend...

Last week started off pretty bad. I had a ton of laundry to catch up on & ended up with the washer/dryer issues. Got the problem solved & the laundry done (now it's time to start the process over again, lol). The week got better as it went on. It rained off & on & it was too wet for Tootie to go out back or to the park. Finally Friday I just had to get us all out. I took the kids to McDonalds for lunch & so that Tootie could run around the indoor play area. Afterwards we went to the mall. The kids needed a few "in between" things. Princess out grew her 3-6 month pj's finally. Yes, I know, she's 8 months... I bake 'em small. She only had a few 6-12 months pj's that had feet. It's still too cold here at night to put her in her sacks. Tootie's play pants have now become high waters, so he needed few 'hold him over until he porks up' pants. He's too tall for the 12-18 month pants, but the waist fits him nicely. He does have a couple pair of 2T jeans with the adjustable waist, but those still migrate south.

Saturday a friend & I decided to go check out some auditions for a reality show. It was very last minute & more or less it was something to get us out of the house. The auditions were for military spouses. Round 1 was a group interview & round 2 was an individual interview. Neither one of us expected to make it past round 1. Our lives really aren't *THAT* interesting. I guess we were wrong. We made it to round 2. We went home afterwards not expecting anything to come of it, but that it would be neat if we got picked for round 3. Round 3 is a test shot to see how you do with camera's all up in your business. My friend got a call that night from some other girls that they got a call during dinner saying they were going to get a call back the next day. We were kinda bummed we didn't get a call, but something in the back of my mind told me that story was fishy. 1) Interviews were going until 7pm... how would they call during dinner if interviews weren't over. 2) How were they able to review 2 sets of tapes that quickly?? Hmmm...

So Sunday was another rainy day. According to the weather man it was suppose to be the last rainy day for at least the week. My friend called me up to see what I was up to that day. My plans were just to stay in & get a head on cleaning. Her plans were to just stay in her pj's. Boy were we both way off. I was about to hop in the shower when she called & said I had to get over to her house ASAP to help her clean because they wanted to test shoot us in an hour & half... HOUR & HALF... WHAT??!!!! So I took the quickest shower of my life, got dressed, grabbed my make-up in a bag, threw clothes on Tootie, grabbed clothes for Princess, got her in her seat & ran out the door. We decided that we would have an indoor picnic since we couldn't go outside. I think we built it up more than it was. Really worked our nerves up. You eventually forget the camera is there. That is until you look up & it's right there. Oh boy, what have we gotten ourselves into??!! They shot for 20 minutes & have to edit it to 2-3 minutes. We were one out of 14 people picked from 75 for a test shoot. They will narrow the group down to 5 or 6 for the show. We should maybe know by early next week. I have no clue what I will do if I get picked. Good thing it's not camera's in your house 24/7. I would go nuts.