My Southern Living at Home...»

Friday, November 9, 2007

Go go speed racer

DH has a 4 day weekend starting today. A bunch of them decided to meeting up this afternoon to do go-kart racing. The kids & I tagged along since we had a Hail & Bail, also known as a Hail & Farewell, to go to afterwards in the same area (not close to home). Tootie had a blast & wanted to get in a car so bad. Unfortunately he is to small and for safety reasons he could not ride with daddy. Maybe in a few more years the midget will be tall enough. They all raced in two separate groups. Each group got two chances to do how ever many laps it was around the course. Then the top how ever many people in each group raced again (in their separate groups). DH came in 1st place for his group. Not surprised since competing is natural to him. He received a trophy that Tootie has claimed as his own. He can add it to his beauty pageant trophy.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Afterwards we all went out to lunch. Tootie is now going through a phase where he HAS to check out bathrooms every where we go. This includes sitting on the potty. I might have to resort back to getting him pull-ups. So we've tested out the potty's at Starbucks & T.G.I.Fridays. This is quit the work out for mommy. By far, though (at least so far), Friday's has the most amusing sinks and paper towel dispensers. You have to push down a knob for water & the wave your hand in front of the paper towel dispenser. LOL, of to be a toddler again.

I'll have to take pictures of the trophy & the kids Christmas shoes tomorrow and post them. Princess's shoes makes everyone say "awww".