All these letters for peoples names are getting out of hand. Plus I am going to run out of letters for people. We have several "A's" in the family to keep track of! So here it is...
DH, aka the hubby, pilot, one of the "A's"
Tootie, aka "R", child #1.
Princess, aka "L", child #2
Those are the main characters in the family, plus the 2 dogs. Anyone else will get an introduction as they come along.
I really need to watch what I watch before I go to bed. DH & I discovered a great show on the National Geographic channel called "Taboo". It normally comes on at 7pm either Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't remember because we DVR it and watch it later on. The one we watched last night was about 'gross foods'. Foods that other cultures eat that we find gross. One segment was about the Philippines and how they eat dogs. In my dream our older dog had some sort of foot infection so I had to cut his foot off (ankle down). I just chopped it right off. Not messy. So I go to work and then return home. There he is sitting in the dining room curled off. I look closer to him and he's now missing 2 more feet (again, ankle down). I look under the table and the remains are laying there on the ground. The other dog had bit his feet off! I don't even know how to begin looking that dream up. I normally visit Dream Moods dictionary to help decipher some of my dreams. I've also been known to have really bizarre dreams. DH just shakes his head when I tell him about a dream.
I finally got to start on Tootie's ABC's, numbers, and colors (scrap)book today. I did some while he was napping & Princess was having her belly time. She rolled from her back to belly several times this afternoon on her own. She's done it before, but not a lot. She worked so hard that she ended up falling asleep on her blanket.
15 years ago
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