My Southern Living at Home...»

Monday, January 21, 2008

Work'n hard

The Pilot is on leave. It's ending here soon. Since he's been home we've been working to finish up our bathroom & bedroom. We aren't replacing anything in the bathroom. At least not at the moment. The Pilot just did some manly stuff of knocking out walls, closing up walls & creating new walls. To see the work in progress check out my other blog, Home Sweet Home in Temecula. I'm very excited to have found my "dream" vanity. You can read more about that in Crafty Momma's World. I'm putting it there because I need to do some work on it.

Princess has cut her 2 bottom teeth. Like Tootie, she has handled it very well. I got lucky with both of the rugrats. I chopped Tootie's curls off the other day while he was in the tub. His curls were great, but the top front got a tad out of control. I did pretty good. The scissors were calling me. I had been resisting cutting his hair for a while now. I'll let it grow back out. I think he went well over 6 months since his last cut. So maybe he'll be due for one this coming fall. ???