What ever you call I can't deal with it. Give me blood, guts, baby spit-up & other bodily function & I can handle those. Tootie started throwing up yesterday. He fell asleep on the couch late morning time. I figured he had just exhausted himself from me having to wrestle him down to get a splinter out of his hand. He woke up around lunch time & I asked him what he wanted to eat. As I was about to go make it round 1 started. Sparing you all the details he spent the rest of the day on the couch napping next to a large tupperware bowl. Thank goodness this child can follow directions. Spared me from having a bigger mess to clean up. I can handle baby spit up but as soon as it starts smelling horrible & is chunky, that's the end for me. He lost everything he ate yesterday, but did good through the night. Much better than his teething sister who was up just about every hour. Tootie woke up this morning asking for oatmeal. I made him his oatmeal & he also requested cheese & marshmallows. LOL The marshmallows are hidden in my baking cabinet. His memory is way too good because it's been a while since he's seen those. I don't normally give him marshmallows to snack on much less for breakfast, but this morning I wanted to see if they stayed down. Might as well let him eat what he wants if it's going to come back up, right? ;) He ate all but 1 bite of the cheese, a couple marshmallows & few spoonfuls of oatmeal. He seemed ok & was even running around like normal. He barely ate lunch but I chalked that up to him being a busy boy. All good, right? Later this afternoon he fell asleep on the living room floor playing with Princess. I went about getting some things done. Princess eventually decided to take a nap, so I took advantage of the time to take a little nap myself. Tootie eventually woke up & crawled up on the couch with me. That right there should have told me something was up. I made us dinner & he sat on my lap to eat when his lunch made a lovely reappearance all over me. I was slightly traumatized. Needless to say he learned how to hug the toilet tonight. Oh & yes, we now have it coming out of both ends. Poor boy. Looks like the stomach flu finally caught up to him. I hope Princess doesn't have her turn.
15 years ago
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