My Southern Living at Home...»

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have a lot of catching up to do. I haven't been very good at this lately. Not that I thought my previous blogs were brilliant or anything. ;) The past few months since the Pilot has been home have flown by. One of my New Year resolutions is to be better at keeping up with my blogs. Along with catching up on all my scrap books & craft projects. I think instead of doing a recap of the past few months I will just write a quick blurb about everyone (in no particular order).

Mr Independent: I can't believe he's 3 already!! For his birthday we took him to Disneyland the weekend before. Then on his actual birthday we had cupcakes (his request. I've trained him well) & he opened presents. We got him an art easel, art supplies, & the movie Cars. Family got him trains to add to his growing collection. He was accepted into the districts preschool program & will hopefully (if things continue to go as planned) start next week. It's only twice a week & 1.5 hours a day. The city has a 3 hour/twice a week program in the morning I am looking into, too. The district program will most likely be in the afternoon so it will all work out. He's excited to go to "big school". Now if he could just find a way to ride a school bus he'd be beside himself. His current obsessions are still his tools & trains. He enjoys helping daddy build projects.
Princess: 18 months going on 30!! That's 30 years, not 30 months, lol. She's a character. One minute total diva next all rough & tough... & covered in dirt (or food). Her obsessions are babies, shoes & phones. She loves walking around in my shoes. It's already started. I'll have to get a good picture of her with her sunglasses on, in my shoes & carrying around her purse. Her vocabulary is taking off! She has 2 dozen+ words & adding a new one almost every few days. Boys & girls are so different from each other developmentally. She's starting to show some interest in the potty. I'm not sure how serious she is about it yet, though. I have a slight hope that she will be out of diapers by summer. It would be nice but as I learned with Mr Independent, I will not hold my breathe. She loves keeping up with her brother & (attempting) doing the things he does.
Us: If you couldn't tell, I got Photoshop Elements 7 for Christmas. I'm having fun learning it. It would be nice if it came with a book. I found 2 books at the library, but they are older (PE 6). I still checked them out in hopes that I would learn something to speed up this process. Mr Pilot got to experience the rare Las Vegas snow last month. He was there for a week long "training". I think I will call him Mr instead of "the". I never really did like it. Lucky him... right before Christmas. He was really only stuck there for 1 extra day. He's gone all this month for a school. There is a good chance that I would find out this month the gender of the baby. I wanted him to be here for that so we found out before he left. It's another boy!! Due date is June 24th... 2 days after Princess. Mr I & Princess were both 2 weeks early. So it should be interesting to see what this one decides to do. The kids are both excited. Well it depends on the day actually. Princess is just excited about it being a baby. Mr I wanted to send him back but then the next day was excited. Ok, back on topic, lol. We celebrated 5 years of marriage. It was a nice evening. We went into La Jolla to walk around & then watch the sunset on the beach. On the way back to the car we got to see the section of the beach that is roped off for the seals (or sea lions??). It is "pupping" season. I really wish I had my camera. Then we went to dinner. By the time we finished dinner it was late so we didn't see a movie. Instead we grabbed cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory & took it back to the hotel & watched a movie there. IDK, that's about all on us... boring, I know. :)

The 4 legged children: They are 5 & 2.5 years now. The oldest is king & the house protector. The youngest is... well, I think he is missing a few screws, but he loves playing with Mr I. He really puts up with too much from Mr I. Mr I was really into Christmas this year. I'll save the story for another blog (I need to get my day going!!), but long story short, the dog ended up being a reindeer & kindly played along. Both are fantastic with the kids.


Ginny (MOMentarily Distracted) said...

It's about time you updated this blog woman! :) Just kidding!

I need to get back into updating mine one of these days when I find a minute or two.

Later Tater! :)