I really want to get back into the groove of blocking. Lately I've either had nothing to blog about & time to blog or something to blog about & no time to do so. The kids are keeping me pretty busy... so do the dogs & the house. My goal is to chip out some time that I can take to blog & catch up on my scrap booking that I am VERY behind on.
I can't believe the newest addition is only a few days sigh of 2 months! He's a pretty good baby. He has 2 six hour sleeps mixed in with several shorter naps. One stretch is in the middle of the day & the other is at night. I've been pretty lucky getting him to eat around 11:30pm. Then he sleeps to about 5:30am. Mr I & Princess love their new little brother to pieces.
Speaking of those 2... I signed them up for preschool. That starts at the end of the month. Three days a week for 3 hours to clean & grocery shop with out having to chase mobile children around. It'll be good for them, too. They are partners in crime.
We're gearing up for Mr's 3rd deployment to the sandbox. My philosophy is to hurry up & get it started so it's over sooner. This deployment could end in 3 different ways - they come back early, come back as schedule, or they get extended. I do not like that part being up in the air. Ugh...
We've been working on the house some more. It's never ending. I have a blog to write on that & pictures to post.
My goal this week was to get to bed earlier. Well I've been in bed earlier but have yet been to sleep any earlier. I'm some what of a walking zombie on auto-pilot these days. Must go get some beauty sleep...
15 years ago
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