My Southern Living at Home...»

Monday, February 11, 2008

Calgon take me away...

I don't even think Calgon can come to the rescue at this point. Is it a full moon? I mean seriously?!!! No, it's not. Full moon isn't even until the 20th. Hopefully today was just a fluke, even a case of the Monday's. Tootie & Princess were tag teaming. There were very few moments today where both were happy. Either he was crying about something or she was. Tootie saw time out a few times today. He started the morning off by throwing his breakfast around, smashing crackers up & throwing those, too. Off to time out! Well he fell asleep. No big deal. It was during Princess' morning nap. This all meant I can shower in peace today... & before lunch time! Maybe even squeeze in a little nap myself (there goes the wishful thinking again). I got as far as the shower & getting comfortable in bed when Princess woke up. I think we were all tired this morning. Tootie woke up some time around 3am, then Princess at 4:30am. Then she was wide awake at 6:45am. So by 7 we were all back up. I went to bed waaaaaay late last night. I was trying to figure out how to get video off the camera & on to the computer (involved locating software). Before I knew it it was after midnight. Tootie woke up & wanted a "nack" (snack). It was lunch time so I convinced him to wait a little bit. Here comes his cute moment of the day (about the only one he had)... the oven beeps that the timer is up. Before I knew it Tootie comes running in yelling "ready" over & over. I asked him if lunch is ready & he said yes. The boy must have been hungry because he talked! He pulled another stunt while I was trying to calm Princess down. He decided to scale the counters & pour out all my sugar. Here's the "damage" shot & the part of the vacuum that collects everything that is sucked up. All that white stuff is sugar.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Anyways, calgon can't help me tonight. I'm too tired to sit in the tub. I thought about maybe making a couple cookies, but that even sounds like too much work right now. I think I might just go to bed early & make up for lost sleep. Princess is out. She goes to bed easily. Not Tootie, though. He's upstairs pounding on his door crying "mum... mummummum... MUUUUM". I need to stick to my guns & play mean mom. He needs to learn that "mum" doesn't play those games & won't take 7 months of this.