My Southern Living at Home...»

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What to title this post

Some of the titles that describe today are...

It must have only been a 24 hour bug.
A potty training milestone.
The many hoops CA wants me to jump through just to get my teaching license.
Meatloaf cupcakes (so maybe this one belongs in the other blog, but there is nothing special about it).
We have a new addition to the family.
Early Valentine's surprise.
It's in the 70's & sunny here. (Rubbing that one in especially for my family & friends on the East coast.)

Tootie woke up feeling better today. He was back to his normal busy self. Tootie surprised me this morning. When he got up he used the potty!! I felt his diaper & it was dry. He stayed dry all night. I've been trying to convince him for the past week that when he wakes up he needs to go to the bathroom. YAY! We ended up going to the Valentine's party. I was going to make & bring red velvet cupcakes. Since he was sick yesterday I didn't get to run out to the store & there just wasn't enough time to do it this morning. We went to the store on the way & just grabbed some tasty V-day cookies. The party was nice. Robbie got to play with some of the other children in the MOMS group. I had a surprise for him afterwards. Which brings me to...

The new addition in the family. There is a yahoo group called Freecycle. You can post things that you want to get rid of (for free) & things you are in need of. Last night I came across a posting for a Beta fish. The lady's kids were basically abusing it & she had to lock the poor fish up in her bathroom. After the party I drove to this lady's house to pick the fish up. I asked her how often he needed to be fed. She replied twice a day but that she's been doing it when she remembered because she kept it in the bathroom. Poor fish was in nasty water & kept in a sand bucket. So on the way home I stopped at a pet store. I had the lady give him some fresh water & I got him a new tank & some supplies. He perked up with the new water. I think he's enjoying his new home.

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I got the most wonderful early Valentine's surprise today. Technically it's the 14th already in Iraq. They are 11 hours ahead of us. Tulips... lots of them & another flower that is purple (I forget the name). I can't wait until my flowers are in full bloom!

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For dinner tonight I made meatloaf cupcakes. No special recipe. I just used my cupcake tin to make individual size. We're barely into week 2 & left overs everyday are getting to be a bit much. I froze the extra. There is enough for another dinner & lunch. I also made gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans & biscuits. It was a good dinner.

It's getting late & I am wiped out. I'll have to save the teaching license issue for another thread. I can outline it better there. I basically have to get a license from either Arizona or Virginia first before I can apply for a California license. Um, ok. This is all because my degree is from out of state. I'm hoping to get the VA license because it would be more beneficial to me in the long run. Then I can get my Cali license step 1. After I pass the CSET & CTEL I can get a full license. As soon as I can get my hands on one I will take a $7000 jump on the pay scale. Hopefully VA will cooperate with me & not be a PITA!

Oh, by the way... have I mentioned it's been in the 70's & sunny here??!!

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Ginny (MOMentarily Distracted) said...

That 70's comment was directed at me and I know it!!

It's gonna be in the 40's today after nightmare weather earlier in the week...

Think of a typical 45 min drive home taking FOUR hours!!!
