My Southern Living at Home...»

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Has anyone seen my sweet little boy?

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Yes, we've entered the terrible two's... and they are very terrible. I've heard the three's are even worse. I sure hope not. If there are, someone, PUHLEASE, get me one of those all white rooms with soft cushions for walls. It's like R is possessed. One moment he's giving me hugs and helping me clean and the WHAM, melt down tantrum with a head-ache inducing shrill. Add the two-year molars to the loads of fun we are already having.

On a positive note, though, it seems R is ready to start potty training. I guess the "new" term is potty learning. Eh, I prefer to call it potty training. I wasn't planning on pushing it until after the new year. I'm still not going to push it until then. For now I will let him do his own thing. Earlier this year Grandma H (my mother) bought him a little potty. I even bought him some big boy potty training undies. He'd occasionally show interest in it, but with only 1 success. Things changed sudden this past week. He's made an attempt to try & potty several times a day. They are obvious attempts, too (grunting involved, lol). He's had several successes!! He's getting M&M's as a reward. I know he knows the feeling, too. His diaper has been dry before a few of his successes. The other times I don't think he's been able to get to the potty in time. I keep telling him that mommy isn't going to wipe his butt forever, lol.

Update on L. She has her 4 month check-up early next week. I found R's 4 month form. He weighed 13lbs 12oz. I weighed L about 2 weeks ago & she was about 13lbs. I'm betting she's going to be about 15lbs next week. I'll post a recent picture of her then. I've got to keep you all coming back some how!

Well I need to get going. L is hungry (what's new?!). R needs a bath & mommy needs him to go to bed. Tonight I think I might unwind by working on one of my ten million projects I have going on. I have several scrapbooks going on, but one of my high priorities right now is getting R's big boy room set up. It's cowboy themed. I found some really cool fabric for his curtains & blankets. That will only be relaxing if the sewing machine decides to cooperate with me.