It's finally Friday. Today was a pretty uneventful day. R actual slept in until about 7am. That was nice. Would be even nicer if he could go until about 8am. Last month I joined a MOMS club. All the other moms I have met are pretty nice and R gets to play with some other children. There are a few other ones who are his age. October's calendar was pretty uneventful. This month has flown by in a blur that I can't remember if I have done anything with the group. Today a bunch of us met up at a park. It was nice to get out. R enjoyed himself. He slid down all the slides, sat in the swing, and played in the sand (we brought 2 shoe fulls home). I was pretty sure that after lunch he would take a nice long nap. Boy was I dreaming today! Nap was a no go. He escaped his crib 3 times! I think he escaped the first time because he needed to go potty. He fell asleep in his high chair while A & I ate dinner. It was a late dinner, so R had already eaten, but of course he had to have what we were eating, too. We made it through the day with hardly any tantrums. YAY!!
Oh something funny happened today. I was trying to give R a snack but as usual both dogs were wanting the snack, too. I told the dogs to "sit". Well they sat, but so did R. I think he hangs out with the dogs way too much, lol. At least they all listened to me!
Here is a picture of the cutest brother & sister team...
15 years ago
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