My Southern Living at Home...»

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I won the sewing machine battle!!

When I was pregnant with R I had this crazy idea to make his crib set (quilt, skirt, bumper, and curtains). I had really good intentions. I couldn't find anything I liked that wasn't outrageously priced. Things were going well with the bumper, but went down hill fairly fast with the quilt. The machine just did not want to cooperate with me. I lost count how many needles I broke. I never could figure out why they broke. A's mother was kind enough to finish the mess I started. She did a wonderful job and managed to break no needles. Grrrrrrrrr!!! Fast forward about two years (I still have curtains to finish)...

R is about to move into a big boy room so L can get out of my room and take over the nursery. The theme for his room is "Cowboys". I went to the local feed (horse store) over the weekend and purchased several items to decorate his room with. I'm so excited and want to get moving on this project. Then I went to Jo-Ann's fabric store and purchased several yards of soft, not super furry, cow print fabric and red bandanna print. I'm using the cow print for curtains and part of the blanket. The bandanna fabric will be on the blanket, too, but I also purchased a roller blind that I want to cover it with. I have a vision...

Tonight I made the blanket. I'll probably make a second one. It only took me 2 hours, shouldn't have, but it did. In the two hours I cut, pinned, sewed, pinned some more, tried to convince a 60lb dog that it wasn't his blanket to lounge on, sewed some more, ripped out stitching from half a side, re-pinned & re-sewed. Yes, in 2 hours I only had to rip out 1/2 a side and did not break any needles!! I won!!

Cow print side...

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Bandanna print side...

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Close up of bandanna print...

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On a side note I have started Christmas shopping for the kids. I've only started thinking about it for everyone else. I'm almost done with there shopping. R & L are getting some winter clothes for our ski trip after Christmas. So far for toys, R is getting a wooden CH-46 and a truck. L is getting the twilight turtle that beams stars onto the ceiling, a nice towel set, and a hand-knitted doll similar to this. R got a piggy bank for his first Christmas, so it's only fitting that L gets one, too. Since she was born in the year of the pig and she's my princess, I found this piggy bank. I also want her to have another Barefoot Dreams blanket. I just can't decide which one. They all look so yummy!! She has 1 so far, but a girl can never have too many blankets! I was thinking about getting them some wooden blocks to share. R is so much fun to shop for. It's a good thing his birthday is a few weeks before Christmas! A & I talked about maybe getting him a quad for his birthday. I know he would enjoy it, just not sure if I want to buy it. I discovered over the summer that Toys R Us has a wonderful line of Home Depot toy tools. These are R's favorite toys. He loves to imitate anything that daddy does. They have a few things online that I have been kind of eying. He has the tool box with a few tools, a hat, and tool belt. Just like daddy!!

Oh, before I sign off for the night and debate about washing the pizza from dinner tonight out of my hair... R started his 2nd session of music class (7 in a session) today. The last session there were several girls in his class. Today there were only boys... 4 of them. He had fun. It poops us both out. It's gets the three of us out of the house for a few hours. L sits in her seat and watches or naps. She does really well during his classes. The place where the class is held has a baby scale. I weigh her every week. Today she was 13lbs 9 oz. That's only 3oz less than what R was at 4 months and 1 day. She will be 4 months in about 5 days. Mot sure what her length is currently. She looks bigger than R did at this age. Maybe she's shorter? Or she wears the weight differently? We shall see next Monday when we pay Dr. R a visit.