We finally mapped out the electrical stuff in the house. This has been the hold up in finishing up the walk-in closet in our bedroom. The house is 20 years old. The electrician must have been on something when he was wiring the house. Outlets and switches are randomly connected to breakers. A few breakers have one or two things linked to them. Another breaker or two has about ten things linked to them. Half of the nursery is on one breaker & the other half is on another breaker with R's big boy room. Our room, but not our bathroom, is connected to a breaker also servicing various parts of the downstairs. It really does not make any sense at all.
After all that A went out and ran an errand while I stayed here with the kids. R escaped his crib again. I didn't give in and after a while there was no noise coming from his room. I went up there to check on him. He hit the lock on his door again. I used my pick lock expertise to break into his room, again. Some how I did this with out waking him. I could only crack the door open a little because he fell asleep right there. I got it open enough to know he was ok.
After A cam home I ran out and did my errands. I had to go walk a friends dog and get a few things. It took going to two stores to find orange paper bags for my MOMS Halloween party next week. Going to the two stores wasn't a waste because I found a few Christmas presents and snow gloves for R. I ran to the mall to find him a hat and a scarf. Looks like I am going to have to order his snow boots and snow suit from Old Navy. This being California, the land with 1.5 seasons, no one seems to sell those items even though we have Big Bear a few hours away. I got L her ornament and ordered her piggy bank. I'm done shopping for her. I just want to get R 2 or 3 more toys since his birthday is that month, too. Then I am done shopping for him (birthday & Christmas).
I finally got around to putting out the "BOO" bags I made. It should be interesting to see if people keep it up. I picked someone who had decorations up and another family that I know has kids. I've had my bags for a week or two now. Kinda got a late start on getting them out, but our street isn't very big.
Off to bed. It's calling me. Before I know it R will be up. We're doing family day at Bates Nut Farm tomorrow. I should get some good pictures to post.
15 years ago
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